Wednesday, February 1, 2012

bits to beauty

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.
William Morris

Did you know that in England they speak of "bits" when we speak of scraps. They have bits of fabric to sew into a quilt and we have scraps of fabric. We speak the same language, but do we? One thing both British and American quilters can agree on is the importance of a quilt in our homes and in our lives.

When we make a quilt we are making something that is both useful and beautiful. Let's fill our houses with both usefulness and beauty by making stacks and stacks of quilts. We can display them, use them, and share them. "Bits to beauty" is a good motto to live by as we sew our lives into quilts we love.

I made this quilt using the Comfort block and Amy Butler fabrics. It was on my bed for awhile, then I gave it to my daughter when she and her husband bought their first home in Washington DC. Of my 3 daughters she is the artist although as an architect she designs exhibits for the Air and Space Museum, not quilts for the home.

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