Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Joy To All!

As most of you know my youngest daughter, Heidi Eitel, is Exhibits Designer at the National Air & Space Museum in Washington DC. My sister, Janet Houts, sent me this link to watch the United States Air Force Band and Chorus perform as a flash mob at the museum. Here is the link to watch the event or just click on the picture...

The best thing about the performance was not only the music, starting with Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring and ending with Joy to the World; it was the absolute joy, wonder, rapture, and happiness on the face of all the visitors to the museum who were treated to this wonderful performance. 

Janet emailed Heidi to say: "I hope you were at work on this day!  Looks like it was a magnificent event."

I called Heidi and she said, "yes, I was a work and I was on the main floor in the crowd watching the performance. I looked carefully at the faces in the crowd and didn't see Heidi. She reminded me that she is short and she was at the back of the crowd. She knew it would be happening even though the visitors did not.

My wish is for joy and peace for everyone this holiday season.

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