The nurse had to fill out a long questionnaire about my daily activities, etc. She came to the conclusion that I was busy and happy. Could have told her that without all the questions! When she came to my occupation and I said quilt maker...she said I want to learn to quilt and I am going to the Georgia Quilt Show in 2 weeks. I said, "I am teaching!" After asking about my classes she decided to sign up for the Pretty Boxes workshop.
Two of my workshops, Lickety-Split Log Cabin and Pineapples are full. All that is left to fill up is Pretty Boxes and Jiggling Jelly Rolls, plus the machine quilting class.
The the doctor came in, read my info and saw that I am a quiltmaker. He said, "My wife wants to learn how to sew and make quilts. So I told him about the Georgia Quilt Show and then recommeded she check out Ashby's Sewing Center in Kennesaw. It's the closest sewing studio to his home. He wrote down the information and said they would check it out this weekend.
I am healthy, and the doctor and nurse are interested in sewing. Life is beautiful.
2 pts for being healthy and another 2 pts for encouraging others to sew/quilt. enjoy your classes!