Saturday, November 28, 2015

Techno-dog Time Out

My quilts turn up everywhere! Here is a star quilt in my favorite setting. I made it about 20 years ago. Now it lives in my daughter's keeping room. Family dog, Woody, finds it a perfect place to take a nap. He has finished his computer search for a better bone and stuffed his cell phone in the pocket in the back pocket of his sweater while settling down for a post-Thanksgiving dinner nap.
The blocks in this quilt are the simple Sawtooth Star...8" size and then each block is squared off with big quarter square triangles that position the stars "on point". Then just sew the blocks together to finish the quilt. I used star blocks but any block can be set on point using quarter square triangles. These stars are 8" blocks (finished size). To figure the size of the triangles add 1-1/4" to the finished size of the block (in this case it comes to 9-1/4". Then cut the triangle in half on the diagonal twice to make 4 triangles. The block with triangles added will come out to an odd size, but if they are all the same size they will sew together with ease.

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